Shopping Process
Once you have decided on the product you want to purchase, click the "Add to Cart" button. The item will be added to your shopping cart.
Select the Product You Want to Purchase
After adding all the items you wish to purchase to your cart, click the cart icon at the top of the page to review the list of items.
Review Your Cart
Please enter your information
Enter Customer Information
For the delivery address, you can choose your address or enter a different delivery address. Please choose your payment method. If you select credit card payment, a form for entering your credit card information will appear. Please fill in the required information.
Enter Delivery and Payment Information
Please confirm that your order details and customer information are correct.
Confirm Your Order Details
An order confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. If you selected credit card payment, your payment has been completed, so please wait for further communication from our store. Orders are typically reviewed by 11:00 AM on our business days. Once we have secured your product, we will send you a "Payment Confirmation Email."
Order Completion
We will confirm your payment around 11:00 AM on our business days and send a "Payment Confirmation Email" to customers whose payments have been verified.
As a rule, your order will be shipped within 24 hours of the payment confirmation email being sent.
After the shipping process is completed, a "Shipping Confirmation Email" will be sent to you.
The shipping confirmation email will include the tracking number for your package.

※ If there are any issues with your order, such as product defects or delays due to high order volume, we will notify you via email.